ShireWorks WebNotes


GoldenWord Bookstore



This bookstore, located in Sedona, Arizona, has been a focal point of the Sedona spiritual community for decades. Carter and Luci, (listen to an interview with Luci here) who recently purchased the store, needed to simply have a functional web presence, and much to my delight, I was given carte blanche. (Yippee!) I sought to create a site that was clean, colorful, and pragmatic, while avoiding the obvious pitfall of looking too flaky. One of the most amazing revelations made was that while assessing the logistics of introducing a shopping cart for their books, I found that they already had an account with an online book repository, which they never mentioned. So, instead of having Carter & Luci pay for a new shopping cart, perform major data entry, monitor and facilitate sales & shipping via their new shopping cart, I simply created a single link on their new site to their inventory of nearly 5000 books! Five minutes, and zero dollars. Priceless!!!


Marmalade Jewelry Store

  Owner Shirin Alikhani was looking to both update her logo (click here to read about Marmalade's logo design process) and gain a web presence. Due to her one-of-a-kind inventory, I felt illustrations with spot photography was the best route. This site was fun for me, as I had to dust off my illustration skills! To this day, while a relatively simple site, it's one of my favorites. I also consider the fact there have been no maintenance issues in two years to be a testament to the fact that the design and content were sound. Having written all the text myself, including the FAQ page, redundant phone inquiries were also significantly mitigated.
  Elizanne Hair Studio
  Having newly opened her own hair studio, her friends and family were confident that having a website would help in the initial phases of building a strong client base. Anyone who knows Beth, aka Elizanne, knows of her love for red transfer ware, old-world Ralph Lauren-esque rose patterns, Victorian ephemera, etc. I chose colors, and fonts which I felt were in keeping with Beth's love of old-world, feminine design. This site was actually a birthday present, and Beth is the first client who cried when she saw what was created for her. But the story gets even better! What Beth has shared over time is the fact that clients who find her via the website, versus word of mouth, are what she referred to as "solid keepers". They love her work, and are staunch clients. It is through Beth that I have begun to gain a new, albeit curious, understanding that rather magical things can happen even in an electronic medium.
  MasterTrain Clinical Simulation Facility
  I consider this site to be the most corporate, classically professional website I've created to date. MasterTrain's original site was about 8 pages, used a "canned" design format that didn't quite have the right look & feel appropriate for a medical facility, and a logo that I had to significantly play with in order to bring it up to the same level of professionalism. What was fantastic was that the client FedEx-ed an external hard drive with thousands of photos and dozens of videos. I gave an initial quote, and was off and running. He thought he was getting a more contemporary version of his existing material, with a few videos thrown in... What he got was about 150 pages, organized as more of an online visual and literary information repository, such that every component had a specific, intuitive, and logical placement. So going forward, anything new has an easily identified destination, and the site can easily grow with the company.

Something Underground Band


I bumped into Seth in a coffee shop in Evergreen, and despite the brevity of the interaction, I was struck by how kind he was. Shortly thereafter, I learned that he was in a band, Something Underground, which played at Little Bear, one of my clients. I decided to look up their website, which at the time consisted of three lines of text and contact links. Having apparently too little to do at the time, I sent an email inquiring whether they were interested in having someone design their site, gratis. The response was a resounding "YES!", and so I put together their first official Something Underground web design. One of the funnier moments of the project was in deciding on the text for the names below each of their respective photos. I'd created a mock-up of what I was looking to do, using my handwriting, and forwarded a number of formal font suggestions from which they could choose. Josh responded by saying that they actually preferred my handwriting - so it stayed as-is! They have since move on to another designer, but this was a fun little project, and these guys continue to be some of the sweetest, kindest guys in the music world!

  IceHouse Bar  
  I designed this site to piggyback the Little Bear website, since it was owned by the same folks. Unfortunately, I created this site before I was asked to take over the maintenance of the Little Bear site, and at that time their webhost account had such minimal space allocation, there was literally not enough space to park the IceHouse site I created. While this site never saw the light of... the Internet, I still like the simplicity, typography and colors of this site.  
  Little Bear Saloon  
  I inherited the maintenence of this website in February of 2008 and while I have incorporated several new components (er... like consistency & accuracy) and a great deal more information, fun & functionality (e.g.: animated gifs, online coupons, nightly cover prices, PR for upcoming months, etc.), this is predominantly a site constricted by budgetary limitations and a legacy look & feel.